How many words are there in the English
Ans. About a million, may be more.
It is difficult to calculate the exact number of words. If we calculate all of scientific nomenclature,
this could easily double the figure. For example there are apparently some one
million insects thiss could easily double the figure. For example there are
apparently some one million insects already described, with several million
more awaiting description. The two largest dictionaries-the Oxford English
Dictionary and M. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary-each includes
around half a million words.
is the longest word in the dictionary?
Ans. It might be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (which appears
in the Oxford English Dictionary), unless we want to count names of diseases
(Such as ‘pneumonoultramicrosco-picsilicovolcanoconiosis’ a lung disease caused
by the inhalation of veryfine silica dusy’ but occurring chiefly as an instance
of a very long word”), places such as air pwllgwyngyll go gery chwyrnd robwlll
lantysiliogogogoch’, a village in Wales, chemical compounds apparently
there is ont that id 1,913 letters long, and also a few words found only in
Joyce’s Finnegans Wake.
Other words famous for being sesquipedalian: antidisestablishmentarianism
(“opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England”).
Floccinaucinihilipilificationhonorificabilitudinitatibus (which appears in Shakespeare’s Love’s
Labour’s Lost, and which has been cited as [dubious] evidence that Francis
Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays).
verb to be grammar
What does ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’
ANs. It means ‘the estimation of something as worthless.
But it is usually used only as an example of a ver long word, sometimes
held to be the longest. The Oxford English Dictionary lables it “humorous” and
gives the following citations for it: I loved him for nothng so much as his
floccinaucinihilipilification of money. –william shensone, Letters
They must be taken with an air of contempt, a
floccinaucinihilipilification of that can gratify the outward man. –Sir Walter Scott, Journal
what does
pneumonultramicroscopicsil-icovolcanoconiosis mean?
Ans. It is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a
factitious word allefed to mean “a lung disease caused by the inhalation of
bery fine silica dust’ but occurring chiefly as an instance of a very long
english basic grammar
english basic grammar
Does bimonthly mean twice a month twice a
month or every two months?
Ans. Every “two” months (usually). BI-means ‘two’, so bimonthly
means “happening every two months”-but it also , means “happening twice a
month”. Another word for the latter is “semimonthly’.
What is a thesis statement?
Ans. A thesis statement is a one-or two-sentence condensation of
the argument or analysis that is to follow in an essay. After you’ve chosen the
question your essay will answer, compose one or two complete sentences
answering that question.
What is a simile and give some example of
Ans. a simile is a word or phrase by which anything is likened to
something else. A simile is often intoeduced by like or as. See the following
example of simile:
(a) Happy as a clam, (b) As easy as piem, (c) Soft as sit=fted flour.
It differs from a metaphor in that the comparison in a metaphor is a
implicit:”Achilles is a lion; “She’s a tigress,” “He seems gruff but he’s
really just an old pussy cat.” The statement “that man is a fox” is a metaphor;
but “that man is like a fox” is a simile.
What is a run-on sentence?
Ans. Run-pm sentence is an ungrammatical construction in which or more
independent clauses are improperly joined without a conjunction or appropriate
punctuation. The effect is that the reader loses the main idea the sentence.
(a) He doesn’t need me he just calls to make himself
feel better.
Here you could use a semicolon.:
He doesn’t need me; he just calls to make
himself feel better.
Another example
I went to the store I was out of beer. He you
could either use a semicolon or a
conjunction, such as because:
I went to the store because I was out of beer.
What is a linking verb?
Ans. A linking verb is usually a form of be or seem that identifies the
predicate of a sentence with the subject. Example: “Achilles is a lion.” ‘Is’
links Achilles lion, identifies Achilles with
a lion ‘Achilles’ is the subject of the sentence and ‘is a lion’ is the
predicate. A linking verb is also called a copulas.
is ambiguity in writing?
Ans. Ambiguity in writing: whose meaning cannot be understood by its
Ambiguity may be introduced accidentally, confusing
the readers and disrupting . It is particularly difficult to spot one’s own
ambiguities. It is strongly recommended that one should let another person read
one’s writing before submission for publication.
What is am annotated bibliography?
Ans. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books,
etc with notes for each citation. An annotated bibliography is a list of
citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a
brief (usually 100-150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the
annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the
relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
What is MLA style?
Ans. It is the style recommended by the Modern Language Association for
preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers. It concerns itself
with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, Quotation, and
documentation of sources.
What is redundancy in writing?
Ans. The use of language that can e eliminated without incurring a loss of meaning, is called redundancy in writing.
Redundancy in writing usually comes from these sources: Wordy phrases.
Example: ‘In view of the fact that’ instead of “ince” or “because.” Employing
obvious qualifiers when a word is implicit in the word it is modifying. Example
: “Completely finish.” If you have incompletely
finished something, you haven’t finished it at all.
Using two or more synonyms together. Example : ‘Thoughts and ideas.”
What is the difference between its and
Ans. Its is the possessive form of it. It’s is a contraction of it
is or it has.
It’s a common mistake.
The boat has a hole in its hull.
The confusion arises from the dual function of the ‘s’ ending, which can
indicate either possession or contraction, as in “ Johan’s Pizzas are the best
(=”The Pizzas which are John’s – that is, in that he makes them – are the
best”); John’s going to have to buy some more files soon more files soon
(=”John is going to have to buy some more files soon”0. However, ‘s’ is never
used to indicate possession in pronouns.