Censorship: A condition under which the freedom of expression I taken
away. Citizens have to take prior permission from the censor authorities of the
government for making a speech or publishing news and views. Anything that the government finds
objectionable cannot be published.
Coalition: An alliance of people, associations, parties or nations. This
alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience.
Colony: Territory under the immediate political control of another
state: A state governed by a communist party
without allowing other parties to compete for power. The state controls all the
big property and industry.
Coup: A coup d’etat (pronounced ku de’ta), or simply a coup, is the
sudden overthrow of a government illegally. It may or may not be violent in
nature. The term is French for ‘a sudden blow or strike to a state’.
law: A system of rules that takes effect
when a military authority takes control of the normal administration of
prisoners: Persons held in prison llor therwise
detained, perhaps under house arrest, because a government considers their
ideas, image or activities as a threat to the authority of the state.
Often exaggerated or false cases are
foisted on them and they are kept in detention without following normal law.
Referendum: A direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to
either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may be adoption of a new
constitution, a law or a specific governmental policy.
State: Mass refusal by workers or employees to perform work due to
certain grievances or because of demands not met. In most democratic countries
the right to strike is legal.
Union: An association of workers for the
purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment.
Veto: The right of a person, party or nation to stop a certain
decision or law. The word comes form Latin, which means “I forbid’. A veto
gives unlimited power to stop a decision, but not to adopt one.