No matter how many mechanical tricks the
materialist can demonstrate through manipulation of matter, his basic
assumption contained a serious flaw. Experimental psychology has never produced
one convincing explanation for feelings, memories, expectations, desires,
beliefs, thoughts, imaginings or intentions. Materialism cannot account for
either the towering clouds of sound in a Beethoven symphony or the sense of
delight in a child’s laughter. BY denying even the possibility that life itself was influenced by something other than
mechanical factors, the materialist started off in a hole out of which he has
never been able to dig himself.
And he
ignored one of the most powerful forces in man.
If man is
not an animal, as Wundt declared him to bem then what other view is there?
It is
coincidence that the declining influence of religion in our society has seen a
large increase in our problems.
Yet mankind
as a whole has been and is religious, regardless of how his belief in spiritual
beings manifests itself. Civilization in large part exists because of man’s
belief in spirituality and his aspirations to something higher than his
overcome anxiety by providing an understanding of life and the forces of the
psychiatry and psychology, however, try to solve the problem of human nature by
classifying man in material terms: body and brain-motivated by force. Yet,
Darwin’s theory of evolution does not necessarily contradict religious belief,
for it does not rule ou ge fact that God or life may simply be using evolution
as a means to prvide ways to design the structure of physical organisms. that
bodies evolved from lower to higher forms doesn’t prove a thing except that
they evolved. But toblindly assert that no spiritual factors were involved can
only be called bad science, for it is based solely on opinion.
Humanity has
paid dearly for materialism’s many false solutions. Whatever failures
religious, political or social institutions had prior to the seminal year of
1879, when Wundt’s themes took root, the situation has deteriouated with the
denial of man’s essential spirituality.